Canadian Security Magazine

ASIS offers support after Orlando massacre

By Canadian Security   

News Industry News

In the wake of the Orlando shooting that claimed 50 lives, ASIS International is providing free access to much of its material on active shooter scenarios.

In a statement, the international security organization said:

ASIS International sends its heartfelt condolences to the victims of the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, as well as to their family members, friends, and the entire Orlando community. The massacre represents the latest reprehensible attack on innocent civilians.
It is clear that terrorists and other attackers are now routinely targeting citizens where they play, where they shop, where they meet, and where they relax. The cumulative result is an attack on civilized society  and values and on fundamental human dignity.
In light of this trend, ASIS is making available free of charge many of its materials on active shooters and protecting soft targets — including white papers, articles, webinars, and book chapters — to communities, organizations, businesses, and government agencies. ASIS International is the leading association worldwide for  professionals responsible for protecting people, property, and information.
ASIS members, who include experts in all aspects of security in hundreds of chapters worldwide, are united in their commitment to protect their communities. ASIS members are available to provide advice and assistance to communities to prepare for and prevent these types of attacks.

ASIS put the spotlight on the active shooter phenomenon earlier this year, when it held a stakeholder’s meeting jointly with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in Arlington, Va.

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