Canadian Security Magazine

ESET Canada announces winners of Women in Cybersecurity scholarships

Neil Sutton   

Features cybersecurity ESET scholarship

Image courtesy ESET

ESET North America recently announced the Canadian winners of the Ninth Annual Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship at an event held at the ESET Canada office in Toronto.

Aidan Gurung from Gloucester, Ont., and Lauren Hendley from Carp, Ont., were recognized “for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of cybersecurity,” according to ESET.

The ESET office event, which was attended by Hendley (Gurung was unable to attend), included a meet and greet with ESET staff; a video message from Melissa Lantsman, Member of Parliament; and congratulatory certificates sent by Laura Smith, Member of the Provincial Parliament and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services, on behalf of the Province of Ontario.

Lauren Hendley has been accepted to the University of Ottawa for an Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (COOP program), with a focus on cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence. In grade 12, she co-founded her school’s Computer Science Club and competed in CyberPatriot.


Aidan Gurung’s passion for cybersecurity education has led her to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Cambridge.

“With so many strong candidates this year, it was difficult to pick the finalists and I’m thrilled to recognize Aidan and Lauren for their hard work and accomplishments. It’s clear that more women are looking for routes into cybersecurity, and these students are great role models who represent the next wave of STEM advocates and digital defenders,” said Celeste Blodgett, vice-president of human resources, ESET, in a statement.

ESET’s annual scholarship program will re-open next spring.

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