Canadian Security Magazine

Top 10 Under 40: Daniel Bosiljevac, National portfolio director, GardaWorld

By Canadian Security Staff   

News top 10 under 40

What do you enjoy most about your security role?

I particularly enjoy collaborating with our customers and working alongside a large team of security professionals across the country. Each day presents an unexpected challenge, however each challenge offers us an opportunity to grow and better ourselves. Teamwork and partnerships, both internally and externally, are critical to the success of an effective security program.

I furthermore enjoy the continued education programs available within the industry. I have personally invested time to participate in many training curriculums. I am excited and eager to continue to advance my professional educational growth.

How has the industry changed since you became a security professional and what further changes would you like to see?


I have been a part of the security industry for approximately 10 years and have seen many changes during this past decade. COVID-19, in particular, increased physical security demand while staffing levels began to decline. I am proud our organization was able to navigate and successfully support physical guard deployment while also maintaining the health and safety of our security professionals and customers.

Technology has played a critical role in automating and streamlining our procedures during the pandemic. I look forward to further technological developments within the security industry to better service the needs of our customers.

Outside of professional training, what has helped you the most in terms of skills development?

Working and collaborating with colleagues around the country has assisted me in my journey of professional development. As unique challenges surfaced, we worked together as a team and approached each situation with confidence.


My mentors throughout the years have always empowered me to make decisions, cultivating an environment that allowed me to develop my skills. I am very grateful and would like to sincerely thank my mentors who have both directly and indirectly provided support and guidance.

Lastly, the security industry services a wide variety of professional sectors. I have had the opportunity to learn about the unique security requirements specific to my customers’ organizations. It has challenged me to customize our approach to support their overall security program.

How can the security industry encourage more participation and market itself as a viable and thriving career?

The security industry often does not get the recognition it deserves, and success can go unnoticed. In recent years, heightened efforts have been put into recognition initiatives to help emphasize our successes. I have been fortunate throughout my career to have had amazing mentors who recognized and highlighted my work ethic and accomplishments. Recognizing and acknowledging the hard work and dedication of individuals is an initiative we should all incorporate within our leadership responsibilities to encourage added participation within the security industry.


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