Canadian Security Magazine

Trends in School Security: 5 Steps to Prepare for and Prevent a Crisis
June 12, 2024 at 1:00pm

 Sponsored by SALTO Systems

Recent tragedies and ongoing concerns about school violence underscore the reality that, despite significant investments in security technologies, resources, and training, many schools and districts are inadequately prepared to address a crisis event.

In this 20-minute DA Ed Talk, a school security expert will outline effective strategies to bolster school safety, using a 5-step approach that will help district leaders prepare for and prevent a future crisis.

Topics will include:
– The 5 P’s (Planning, Process, Protocol, Practice, Prevention) of effective school safety planning
– The importance of identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities
– How to develop and implement emergency lockdown plans
– The role of access control in enhancing physical security
– How to establish a proactive approach focused on prevention

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